Emily Dafilou ’16 pitched Restoration Hardware (RH) to the Student Managed Investment Fund (SMIF) on November 4, 2015. RH is a leading luxury retailer in the home furnishings marketplace within the Consumer Discretionary sector. Their product offering includes furniture, lighting, textiles, bath ware, décor, outdoor and garden, and children’s furnishings. Emily highlighted the company’s competitive strategy, which includes its positioning as a high-end luxury brand, brand image, pricing model, multi-channel sales, and real estate platform. RH’s unique business model includes its next-generation Design Galleries, which is a growth strategy that many specialty retail stores are not able to do. The company has also demonstrated stellar financial performance, showing consistent revenue growth at a rate of over 20 percent for the fifth consecutive year. The launch of RH Teen and RH Modern will add to the company’s top and bottom line. As a company that was near bankruptcy in 2001, RH has since recovered and continues to show promising growth within a niche market. The class voted to buy 300 shares of RH.