Tim Howard ’16 pitched Brunswick Corporation (BC) to the Student Managed Investment Fund (SMIF) on November 19, 2015. BC is a global designer, manufacturer, and marketer of recreational Marine and Fitness products. The company’s product portfolio consists of leading brands that have been increasing their market share. Its product offerings are diversified through three key segments: Engines, Boats, and Fitness. One big differentiating factor about BC is that it is the only company to be a leader across both the Marine market and Fitness industry. The company has experienced a gradual but perceptible recovery since the financial crisis in 2008. Revenue has continued to increase since 2012, and BC exceeded analyst expectations eight times within the past nine quarters. Additionally, ever since the company divested its Bowling business in 2014, it has boosted their cash and given them the ability to pursue other acquisitions. The class voted to purchase 600 shares of BC.