Adriana Ackerman pitched United Health Care Group to the SMIF class on March 1st. In her pitch she reviewed the managed care industry as a whole, highlighting employer/group plans and government plans. She explained that United Heath offers plans in four major industries: employer & individual, Medicare & retirement, community & state and global. In addition, she outlined the five largest competitors in the managed care space. She believes there will be positive returns in the Managed Care industry due to the future of the Affordable Care Act under a Republican office. Also, she stressed that the company has a much lower Medical Loss Rate than its competitors and they will only benefit more with policy changes in the future due to the Trump administration. Moreover, Adriana believed that we needed to eliminate active risk in the health care sector of our portfolio and this would be the perfect way to do so. Lastly, Adriana felt that United Health’s vertical integration strategy differentiates themselves from their competitors and will remain a driver of top-line and margin growth. Therefore, she motioned to purchase 120 shares of UNH and sell 251 shares of XLV, the motion passed unanimously.